Greetings! Aware that it has been a long while since the last update. I suppose you can say there’s been some mental healing and vacation from drawing. I am here to post a lovely exercise I stumbled upon hosted by @ds.catz on Instagram, “Build Your Own Creepy Mermaid OC.” For those unaware, OC is an acronym for Original Character. This drawing challenge was designed to help those who are indecisive. By answering questions on preferences you choose a general hair length, type of top, tail style, accessory, et cetera. After completing this short drawing exercise I call her “Merdusa.” What do you think? We might see her again in the future!
New Social Media!
As Artists it is important to be aware of the comings and goings of marketing and social media unfortunately is a massive part of that. Recently it has come to my attention that the American branch of Meta (Facebook/Instagram) has implemented, involuntarily, Ai into the workings of the websites and apps without opt out as an option. You may notice it in your search bar but it will be taking data from any uploaded photos and conversations. As an Artist it may seem extreme to delete ten years worth of artwork from my Instagram accounts. However I do not like the idea of Ai learning my craft which took years of studying and have chosen to be cautious about where I advertise my work.
I will not completely delete my Instagram accounts but will no longer be posting new artwork to the main portfolio page. Those who follow my Instagram accounts will see continuous story updates and I will keep my direct messaging open. Though I have decided to delete the Beach Babes Facebook business page and will re-upload my artwork to the new App called “Cara.”
Though Cara is a brand new beta app I am very excited about it. It is a new Social media app geared towards artists as its main demographic. It may not be as powerful with advertising but it is made by artists, does not allow Ai art, implants Glaze to protect Artists from Ai scanning, currently runs zero ads and do not knowingly sell accounts data to third party companies. Its current algorithm is almost entirely based on artists’ reposting their companions work making it feel like real marketing; six degrees of separation. I believe we are off to a good start!
Aqua's New Shellphone!
I’ve recently acquired the Samsung Z Flip 5 phone and decided to create my own custom wallpaper. It’s a nice touch to the retro flip phone vibe, but with a Beach Babe Mermaid Aesthetic! What do you think?
Aqua's Birthday on the 3rd of MerMay!
A late post but one none the less. Since it’s Mermay, the month to draw mermaids, I decided to draw my original muse, Ariel; in both of her forms. What do you think?
Earth Day! April 22
Apologies for the very tardy blog post but we wanted to display Zoe reminding you how important it is to share and respect the Earth. We are co habitants. The things we make that are manmade do have to be considered with where we source them, how they’re made, how much natural resources are needed to make then, can any resources be re-used or replaced AND where are they disposed of when used.
For years the oceans have been seen as a dumping ground. Most people feel “out of sight, out of mind.” When you yourself cannot see where the oceans intertwine from river to sea, form surface to sea floor, it’s easy to think the oceans are infinite. In honesty the oceans cover more of the earth than land, yes, but they also have animals living in them. Waves and currents are natural filtration created by tactonic plate movement and gravitational pull. That is made to filter dirt, fish waste, some animals eat the dead remains of other animals, etc. However plastics and fabrics are dumped daily and animals have to live with that. It is unjust as plastic and excess waste can kill animals. They eat the plastic or get chocked by fabric or ghost nets and drown.
Specifically the rare “leatherback sea turtle” is a deep-sea soft shelled sea turtle which feasts on jellyfish. They may in turn accidentally mistake a plastic bag for a jellyfish and have undigestable plastic stuck in their stomachs. This tells their brain their stomach is full of food but because it cannot be digested they then starve to death or die of infection from the plastic. Other cases where their throats are designed with spikes to help them swallow live food so the plastic can get stuck in their throats and choke them.
The Pacific ocean has the largest landfill trash dump pool, a gyer, known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” It is not an island but just a large soup of trash in the ocean that has accumulated from pollution in surrounding areas that get pulled in one spot via currents.
We MUST do better. Recycling and reusing are the easiest ways to help. Offer donations or your services to beach clean up. Anything to “Keep Our Oceans Clean!”, says Zoe:
Episode 6 is Up!!
I truly appreciate all of you who stuck with me this long but the wait is over! Episode 6 “I Guess It’s A Party (Pt 2)” is up and available to read now only on the Webtoon App & Webtoon Site:
Beach Babes: Episode 6 " I Guess It's A Party (Pt 2)"
Happy New Year!
Here in the Western part of the world we’ve already welcomed 2024. However, those celebrating the Lunar New Year are still counting down. The day to welcome Spring won't be until February but we have Beach Babe Zack celebrating Soellal a little early as he set his eyes on the Dragon Zodiac in the night sky.
Beach Babes in other Worlds!
I always love seeing my own characters in other artists styles even if it’s in the background. Zoe has made a few cameos over the last couple of years in other creator’s Webtoons and fan art. Have a look at what’s featured below!
If you are interested in reading “Monster Romance” comics you can catch Zoe really quick in an episode of ‘Ogre’s Cave’ on Webtoon Canvas in the Webtoon App. Zoe also made an appearance as a doll in Monster Adventure comic’s ‘OniGirl’ Christmas post! Take a second to read either one.
Zoe featured in ‘Ogre’s Cave’
Zoe featured as a doll in the ‘OniGirl’ Christmas Post!
I’ve even had the honor of receiving numerous fan art pieces of the Beach Babes from other artists all over social media! It seems Zoe and Reese are popular muses yet we can find fan art of twins Pariah and Luna as well!

[From left to Right: “Zoe” by @Sketchghoul_Shawn {Instagram} , “Zoe & Reese” by @softsful {Twitter}, “Zoe” by @artlikemyk {instagram/TikTok}, “Zoe” by @Swickedpng {Instagram}, “Reese” by @lukadollart {instagram}, “Reese” by @thefairygardnerllc {Instagram}, “Reese(line art)” by @Sketchghoul_Shawn {Instagram}, “Pariah” by @8oo8erry {Instagram/Twitter}, and “Luna” by @Shannontuscanylee {Instagram} ]
What a busy 2023!
I can’t believe it’s the end of another year already! While 2023 was supposed to be the year of the Beach Babes story, life works in funny ways. However, i’m not letting my life get in the way of the “Beach Babes” lives. Updates to the webtoon were planned originally for weekly/bi-weekly releases. Yet, due to scheduling conflicts we see that was not the case. The latest update was in July of this year. 2024, year of the dragon, is sure to roar louder and more productively. I’m speaking it into existence! As we close out December let’s take a look at the last solo Holiday Illustrations for Halloween and “Winter Solstice.”
- SHARK WEEK Special-
Episode 5 is Up!
Mer- Monday was traded out for “Taco Tuesday” this week because this episode is for the foodies! Episode 5 is a Part 1 episode to the turning point in the “Beach Babes” story and is available to read now!
- Aqua
Honorable Mention: "Cupid 101" DTIYS
Fellow Web Comic Creator, @TaeNaeArt, of ‘Cupid 101’ on Webtoon Canvas decided to host a ‘Draw This in Your Style’ Challenge. Since she is celebrating 20,000+ readers I decided to enter. It was a breath of fresh air and a fun drawing exercise. The drawing features the protagonist, “Cherry.”
Though I do not win, my entry did receive “Honorable Mention” featured in Episode 6 of ‘Cupid 101’! Congratulions AJ on 20,000+ readers!
A Notice from the Creator: Delay on 'Beach Babes' Episodes
If you haven’t seen already the first four episodes of ‘Beach Babes’ are available to read on the Webtoon App or Please go check them out if you have yet to already. Episodes are updated on random Mondays. Though I must apologize for the delay on Episode 5, having been advertised as updating Monday June 26th. Clearly that is not the case. As mentioned on the webtoon update I am all hands on deck, solely. I do not have a team of people working on this comic as it is a passion project and does not pay my bills. I hope that you can forgive the delay as I get personal family matters squared away. I will no longer preemptively advertise episodes with a certain upload date unless it is for a holiday specific episode. That being said I hope you had a wonderful Juneteenth and a peaceful 4th of July. Thank you for reading and your patience. In the meantime please enjoy this preview of a panel from episode 5.
- Aqua
Beach Babes at Grandma's Place!
Looks like a few “Beach Babes” Coloring Books will be available at ‘Grandma's Place’ Toy Store located in Harlem, NY! The store itself is black owned by “Grandma Dawn” and has been around since 1999. It feels like something that is meant to happen.
It’s exciting in that it’s the first physical shop to house the “Beach Babes” Coloring Book but Beach Babes having black main characters, drawn by a Black Artist and now they’ll be located in a Black owned Toy Store in New York City, where the great “Harlem Renaissance” took place. For those unaware the Harlem Renaissance is a time period considered to be the golden age in African American culture, manifesting in literature, music, stage performance and art. Also having been born and raised in New York myself it seems meant to be.
2023 has proven to be off to a good start. Hoping that Grandma’s Place continues to thrive. While it’s still available here in the Aqua Ink Shop, I hope that the “Beach Babes” Coloring Book finds space on more shelves soon. Read more about Grandma Dawn, and check out the Grandma’s Place website below.
Want to see Grandma’s Place in person?! Stop by:
84W 120th St New York, NY 10027
On A Roll!
We’re getting closer and closer to the goal date of the “Beach Babes” comic going live. It is my first time drawing a comic and my first time writing a story. It is very scary at a times and I’ve found many artists feel this way but it is also freeing and something I feel I can be proud of once I put it out into the world.
There’s definitely a lot of learning as the process continues. As an illustration graduate I’m unlearning things as far as not showing so much communication In a single image but using comic panels in a sequential nature to tell the story. Focus on the many, not the singular. So here is a look at a couple of panels before color is added. Here we have Zoe and Reese getting out of the car on the left and Liam getting out of the car on the right. I wonder what event they’re heading to dressed this way. This is an example of simply paneling to introduce characters prior to plot as we are going to stretch the story out so you as a viewer have something to read each week. I apologize as you’re probably used to “binging” in most streaming services. Gone is the idea of ‘waiting’ and patience for a slow burn but I promise you there’s more to come!
Welcome to the Aqua Journal!
Better late then never but here is where I’ll be updating you on all things Aqua!
Social media is taking an interesting turn lately and has inspired me to start this blog journey for anyone interested without the complications, drama and distractions. Simple design.
For those of you who are new I’m creating my 1st ever web comic titled, ‘Beach Babes.’ It is my “baby.” The characters were created in 2017 and it’s been in the works since then. It will publish in an episode format each week, starting May 2023. I can’t wait to share it with you.
Thank you for embarking down this road with me.
- Ashley aka “Aqua”